of the values to be gained through integrating our Animus with our Anima is the important thing. Actually feminine attire and our wearing of it is merely an exterior indi- cation of this unification. It is a means, a pathway to- ward it. In our culture it is almost a necessary way to integration, because only the very rare individual will be able to recognize and appreciate his Anima to any degree due to the conflicts and guilt feelings which such a re- cognition arouses in him.

Some few having recognized and made peace with the Anima (which can as well be thought of by Susanna's term, "the girl within"), have found that dressing of it- self is not as needful as it used to be and have lessened or discontinued it. This is not to be confused with dis- continuance through "purges" or rejection which are due only to an unmanageable load of guilt and non-under- standing. I am referring to those who have successfully recognized, integrated and made peace between these two halves of their psyche. Such persons are admittedily few and far between. There are, however, quite a number of us who have succeeded in recognizing our Anima sides giving expression to "her", originally through dressing and subsequently simply through an integration of our in- ner selves in our daily lives. Dressing may still remain a very pleasant activity and a source of renewed emotion- al awareness and may continue with greater or lesser fre- quency all our lives. The important thing is not neces- sarily to conquer the dressing but to recognize what it is actually doing FOR us, and recognizing this, to actively attempt a greater degree of integration in our ordinary lives without any guilt feelings. I believe that this is the true goal and virtue of Femme Personation.

Of course, those who, for family reasons, are unable to use the gateway of actual dressing either at all or on a more restricted basis have an even more difficult time arriving at such integration. However; mental recognition of the desirability of unity as opposed to diversity in such fields as emotion vs. reason, wisdom vs. love (beauty), intuition vs. knowledge, etc. should give him a start to- ward the same end. it will be more difficult because he will have no easy means of surviving and conquering the attacks of guilt and uncertainty, but it can be done and I hope my words in this article will provide a jumping